
Articles with handy information you can use day in and day out!

October Is a Great Month for Animals

It’s National Service Dog Month, National Animal Safety and Protection Month, ASPCA’s Adopt a Shelter Dog Month and there’s even a shout-out to cats this month on National Cat Day, October 29. With all of these warm and fuzzy feelings circulating in the autumn air, it’s a perfect time to take a good, hard look at your pet. How has he/she been acting lately? Nipping. Scratching. Litter box issues. Leash pulling.

Your Pet’s Skin; There’s a Lot to Cover!

Let’s make sure your pet is healthy all over. Schedule your pet’s yearly checkup today! September is when kids go back to school, and finally, you have a chance to relax. Who wants to join you? Your pet! While your snuggling with your furry friend, you may feel a bump or rash on their skin. What should you do? Your pet may have bumps. Lumps. Missing fur. A black spot. A funny-looking toenail.

Hairballs Hacks Gags and Gas

Learn why you should schedule your pet’s annual checkup today! When you’re a pet owner, you know all the benefits of living with a furry friend in your home. Wet kisses, happy tail wags, loud purrs. Did you expect hairballs on the carpet? Partially digested garbage strewn all over the floor? Did you expect your pet to belong to the “Speed Eaters Anonymous Club,” where they eat so fast it comes right back up?

How Can You Tell if Your Pet’s Heart Is Pumping Right

Schedule your pet’s annual checkup today and let’s take a listen! When you’re a pet owner, you know a lot about the health of your pet just by using your senses. You can see your pet’s eyes when they’re goopy. You can smell their ear infection a mile away. You can feel the lumps and bumps on their skin. But what about their heart? How do you know if that organ is healthy?

Start Summer Off Right

Schedule your pet’s annual checkup today to be sure your pet is healthy! It’s summer! Time for BBQs, long hikes and refreshing water play! You and your pet enjoy this time of year. It’s filled with activity, fun and food! There are a few things we have to talk about. First, is your pet eating the right food for their lifestyle? Meeting your pet’s nutritional needs is vital to their health and happiness.

Bones Muscles and Joints

Keep your pet moving and grooving this spring. Schedule their yearly checkup today! Musculoskeletal diseases (conditions that involve bones, muscles and joints) can affect pets of all ages. They can have aches and pains like we do. But sometimes these diseases are hard to spot. Think about your furry friend for a moment. Have they stopped jumping on you when they greet you at the door? Have they stopped perching on the window sill?

Schedule Your Pets Annual Checkup Today to Be Sure Your Pet Is Healthy

Is your dog very tired? Is your cat eating less than usual? These seemingly minor changes may mean your pet has a flea allergy, an internal parasite infection, or a tick-related disease. Let’s talk about fleas first. The majority of pets don’t have fleas—but many have been bitten because fleas are everywhere! Yes, fleas live outdoors but they can live indoors too – even in really clean homes – year-round in any climate.

It’s Almost Spring

It’s March—springtime is around the corner! Worms in your garden…and worms in your pet? Eeew! Hold on, let’s explain… The worms you find in your garden mulch are not the same worms that cause heartworm disease in pets. Mosquitoes carry heartworms. And all it takes is one mosquito to bite your pet to become infected. Here’s the good news about heartworm disease. It’s an illness that can be easy and affordable to prevent.

Dental Disease Is the Most Common Disease in Dogs and Cats

It’s time to schedule their yearly checkup today and find out. It’s that time of year again. Love, hugs and chocolate are on everyone’s mind. For your pet, the first two come out way on top! (Chocolate is a no-no, but you already knew that!) Dental disease is the most common disease in dogs and cats, affecting 78% of dogs and 68% of cats over the age of three. Although most dogs and cats will develop some sort of dental disease, small dog breeds, such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Dachshunds and Toy Poodles, are more prone to developing periodontal disease than larger breeds.

Leave No Stone Unturned

Schedule your pet’s yearly checkup to ensure their kidney and urinary health Did you know 75% of your pet’s kidney function is gone before you see signs of serious illness? That means your pet may have kidney disease and you may not even know it. This month we want to focus on your pet’s kidney and urinary tract health because this is an area of veterinary medicine (and human medicine too) where preventive healthcare can make a big difference!

Pack Your Bags

But don’t let your pet pack on the holiday pounds. Schedule your pet’s yearly checkup today. Holiday season is upon us — a busy time of year for festivities, family and of course, lots of eating! Did you know that if a ten-pound cat ate just one ounce of cheddar cheese from your hors d’oeuvres, it would be the same as if a person ate three and a half hamburgers or four chocolate bars?

The Best Way to Show Thanks This Season Is With an Annual Checkup

Call Us and Schedule an Appointment Today! All pets come with special care instructions. Feed daily, love forever and yearly checkups. We know you have the first two covered, but what about the last one? Yearly checkups are equally as important! They are essential to your furry friend’s happiness and well-being. They are the best way to keep your pet healthier, longer! During our veterinarian’s physical exam, your pet gets checked from tongue to teeth to toes to tail.